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Lankide eztabaida:Theklan/2014ko abuztua

Orriaren edukia ez da onartzen beste hizkuntza batzuetan.
Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea

Baionako auzo izenekin zalantza[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Arratsaldeon, Xabier. Baionako auzoen artikuluak sortu berri ditut. Baina haiek amaitzean haietako gehienak frantsezko izenez (baten bat Gaskoieraz ere bai) sortu ditudala ikusirik zalantza sortu zait, bere hartan utzi edota euskarazko izenez bersortzea (frantsesezko berbideraketak utziz). Adibidez santuen izenak dituztenak erraz euskaratu litezke: Saint-Étienne (Baiona) - Doneztebe (Baiona) (euskaratzea otu zait), beste kasu bereziak ere badaude: Arènes (Hondarrak) / Allées Marines (nik bere hartan utziko nuke, euskaraz zentzu handirik ez baidute). -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 14:36, 7 abuztua 2014 (UTC)

Barkatu, nahastu egin naiz. Bidenabar, zorionak artikuluak sortzen ari zaren lanarengatik. Ea aurten abenduaren 31a iritsi aurretik euskarazko Wikipedia 200.000 artikuluetara iristen den. Segi horrela. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 15:05, 7 abuztua 2014 (UTC)

The Signpost: 06 August 2014[aldatu iturburu kodea]

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's weekly journal about Wikipedia and Wikimedia

Gaztelaniazko artikuluan bai Hunifredo (artikuluaren izenburua), bai Onofre (artikuluaren hasieran sinonimotzat emana) jasota daudela kontuan hartuta, eta frantsesez Onfroi denez, euskararako Onofre hartuko nuke (euskararen fonologiari egokitutako formetatik, frantsesera gehien hurbiltzen dena). Egunen batean Euskaltzaindiak gai horretaz zerbait arautu beharko luke (bide horretatik doa, behintzat), eta euskara baturako beste formaren bat onartzen badute, aldatuko dugu orduan beste forma horretara. --Xabier Armendaritz 2014-08-16, 17:37 (UTC)

The Signpost: 13 August 2014[aldatu iturburu kodea]

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's weekly journal about Wikipedia and Wikimedia

Presentation on bot-generated articles[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi Theklan

In October there will be a convention of Wikipedians from German Wikipedia in Cologne: WikiCon 2014.

On WikiCon I want to give a talk on the history of bot-generated articles in the multi-language Wikipedia. In this presentation I want to give an overview on projects with bot-generated articles, on specific discussions, on pro and contra arguments, and on future perspectives, which are discussed.

Unfortunately I don’t speak Basque, so I want to ask you if you could answer me some questions on bot-generated articles in Basque Wikipedia.

My questions are:

  • When did discussions on bot-generated articles start in Basque Wikipedia?
  • Have there been controversial discussions?
  • What where the arguments for bot-generated articles?
  • What where the most important arguments against it?
  • Have there been votes on bot-generated articles?
  • Has there been something like a test phase?
  • What were the reactions on the test articles?
  • How did the discussions developed over the years?
  • What are the opinions today?
  • Do you plan to write articles on all species of animals and plants?

It would be also very helpful for me if you could give me some links to the most important discussions on eu:wp. Perhaps I can understand some discussions with a little help from Google translate :-).

Thank you very much and best regards.

--Holder (eztabaida) 07:31, 19 abuztua 2014 (UTC)

The Signpost: 20 August 2014[aldatu iturburu kodea]

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's weekly journal about Wikipedia and Wikimedia

The Signpost: 27 August 2014[aldatu iturburu kodea]

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's weekly journal about Wikipedia and Wikimedia